Cardiac.db Contains various chemical shift files in various formats used in the example runs. Also contains examples of *.index files. cDomain-iha3 This example shows a smaller database where all input files are contained in one directory. It also demonstrates how to customize the window size and placement and widget colors via the ./orbplus.defaults file. The histogram is shown in black and white. Input: nhsqc_res.xpk Database: cDomain proteins Index File: orbplus_iha3.index - Interhelical angles with 3 regions l48q-iha A simple example where we specify the input and output files in ./orbplus.defaults. If ./orbplus.defaults does not exist, the software also checks $HOME/.orbplus.defaults. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_iha.index - Interhelical angles with 2 regions l48q-imr This is the example which Ian Robertson presents in the publication. It was done on an older version (1.0.x) of orbplus which used a different index file structure. After converting to the new file structure, it runs the same as before. Note that there are no error bounds given for the inter-helical angles in the Index file and PDB codes are used to identify the proteins. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_imr.index - Interhelical angles with 2 regions l48q-oc An example using the open/close version of the database index file. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_oc.index - open/close percent model test-args Test all the command line arguments to orbplus (see Also, use minimal version of orbplus.defaults to see how the software defaults look. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_iha.index - Interhelical angles with 2 regions test-bmrb This example also tests the reading of bmrb formatted files. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_oc_bmrb.index - open/close percent model test-nv5 This example also tests the reading of nmrview5 formatted files. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_oc_nv5.index - open/close percent model test-nvj This example also tests the reading of nmrviewj formatted files. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_oc_nvj.index - open/close percent model test-pymol Use pymol to see where the selected residues from orbplus are located. This example shows how the user can re-define the location of pymol, or the input pdb file, or even the default pymol script (orbplus.pml). Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_iha.index - Interhelical angles with 2 regions test-small This example was used to make small layout for the orbplus website. See the customization in the orbplus.defaults file. Input: l48q.xpk Database: Cardiac.db (nDomain) Index File: orbplus_iha.index - Interhelical angles with 2 regions