Brian Sykes Lab

Version: 1.0.1 - Mar 5 / 2014
Download Here

Purpose: Allow the user to extract parameter values from a vnmrj procpar file for all the fids located in a directory. Output the resulting table to be read and analyzed with Excel. We use this script in our lab to see how shims have changed for various related vnmrj experiments.



Download the software from www.bionmr.ualberta.ca/download/ppscan
and untar it.
		> tar xvf ppscan*.tar
		> cd ppscan/src/bin 
Copy the ppscan script to a public place or your $HOME/bin directory.
		> cp ppscan /usr/local/bin


Start a terminal window and issue a command in the following format:

	Usage: ppscan input_fid_dir parm1 [parm2] [parm3]... > output.xls


		input_fid_dir - A directory containing all the fid data for analysis 
		parm1 - the first parameter to extract from the procpar file
		parm2 - the (optional)second parameter to extract from the procpar file
		parm3 - the (optional)third parameter to extract from the procpar file
		> output.xls - direct the results to this file. The xls suffix allows
			excel to read it.


# Example command
	> ./ppscan $HOME/vnmrsys/data x1 x2 y1 y2 z0 
Also see test/test.run for an example of how one can run the script and
what the output should look like.

Here is a quick example after importing the results into excel.

Back to main software page

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Questions to: bionmrwebmaster@biochem.ualberta.ca