Smartnotebook Bug and Comment Report v5.1.3

  1. Bug with assigning and un-assigning the last residue in a sequence. Causes chains file to be messed up forcing the user to grab a backup from the snb.log file. When I start on the bug fixes, this will be the first one to fix.

  2. Folding of carbon atoms does not work. This bug was reported but I have not confirmed it as of yet.

  3. In the module pipp_nav, when I entered a sequence file which was symbolically linked, I got a segmentation fault.

  4. Peakcon should derive its probability score based ONLY on those rules which contain overlapping residue i and i-1 information.

  5. Double click of "Display Spectra" is re-drawing the screen twice and the second time is quite slow for macosx aqua.

  6. Efficiency issues of the gui when there are lots of connections and no current chain.

  7. Snb is very sluggish with lots of connectivities (eg, over 50000).

  8. Peaklists which do not deal with the ringing problem will cause problems for peakcon and snb.

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