# This file describes the set of experiments for reference spectra hsqc
#     hncacb(i-1)
#     cbcaconnh(i)
#     hncacb(i)
# These are the experiment dependent variables that smartnotebook
# uses in order to properly process the above experiment. Anyone
# interested in defining a new experiment or new spectral view will
# need to be very familiar with this file. The intent is that few users
# will actually want/need to edit this file. The author and maybe a
# few others will develop these configuration files for the users of snb.
# Assumptions:
#   All connectivities involve residues i-1 and i.
#   All connectivities use peak ids of a reference experiment.

# Enter descriptive labels for the processed nmr data and peaklists
# These are used by the snb initialization process.
	set mySpectra(nv,fileNum)           3 
    set mySpectra(nv,desc,0)            "Reference"
    set mySpectra(nv,desc,1)            "Hncacb"
    set mySpectra(nv,desc,2)            "Cbcaconnh"

	set mySpectra(xpk,fileNum)          3 
    set mySpectra(xpk,desc,0)           "Reference"
    set mySpectra(xpk,desc,1)           "Hncacb"
    set mySpectra(xpk,desc,2)           "Cbcaconnh"
# Try to anticipate the filenames for the above data. If the
# variables below are already defined when this file is sourced,
# then do nothing.
# If a peaklist file below does not exist, remember that snb drops the
# ".xpk" suffix and searches for the corresponding ".tab" file. 
    u_set_val mySpectra(nv,defName,0)   hsqc.nv
    u_set_val mySpectra(nv,defName,1)   hncacb.nv
    u_set_val mySpectra(nv,defName,2)   cbcaconnh.nv

    u_set_val mySpectra(xpk,defName,0)  hsqc.xpk
    u_set_val mySpectra(xpk,defName,1)  hncacb.xpk
    u_set_val mySpectra(xpk,defName,2)  cbcaconnh.xpk
# This is where we define which columns in the peakpick files have
# shift or intensity values. 
    set mySpectra(xpk,fields,0)         "3 10 17" 
    set mySpectra(xpk,fields,1)         "3 10 17 24" 
    set mySpectra(xpk,fields,2)         "3 10 17 24" 
# Next we associate variables with the above column numbers. For now,
# we ONLY use this knowledge to help in the processing of folded peaks. 
# My convention is Hn=proton, N=nitrogen, C=carbon, I=intensity.
    set mySpectra(xpk,fieldName,0)      "Hn N I"
    set mySpectra(xpk,fieldName,1)      "Hn C N I"
    set mySpectra(xpk,fieldName,2)      "Hn C N I"

# Enter the index number of the peaklist file of the reference spectra.
# Even though the software could figure it out, there is less chance for 
# confusion if we just specify it explicitly.
    set mySpectra(REF,xpkIx)            0 
# Which dimension is Hn (for spectral display along x-axis) 
# Which dimension is  N (for spectral display along y-axis) 
	set mySpectra(REF,atomNames)       "hn n"
    set mySpectra(REF,xdim)             0
    set mySpectra(REF,ydim)             1
# What are the names of the atoms we wish to assign in the
# peakpick files (use lower case). For each atom name,
# specify the peakpick error tolerance from the peakpick files.
    set mySpectra(atoms,names)          "ca cb n hn"
    set mySpectra(atoms,errTol)         "0.50 0.50 0.50 0.03"

# The following section defines what the connection data looks
# like so that smartnotebook can read the connections properly.
# There may be other fields but snb only cares about those 
# defined below.
# What are the number of fields in a connectivity record. 
    set mySpectra(connect,FIELDNUM)   24
# Next, we specify what the columns in the connections file are.
# Reference ID numbers of a connection.
    set mySpectra(connect,REF,0)       0
    set mySpectra(connect,REF,1)       1
# Connection label marker (rule type) and probability score 
    set mySpectra(connect,RULE)        2
    set mySpectra(connect,PROB)        3
# These are Peak Id fields for distinguishing connections with the same
# reference Ids. PeakIds for residue i-1 are line 1, peak ids for
# residue i are line 2. The peakids in this experiment are from the
# hncacb peaklist file.
    set mySpectra(connect,PKID,0)     "4 5"
    set mySpectra(connect,PKID,1)     "6 7"
# The shift values are defined at these columns.
# The atomnames specified here must be defined in our atomlist above
    set mySpectra(connect,ca,0)       16
    set mySpectra(connect,cb,0)       17
    set mySpectra(connect,n,0)        18
    set mySpectra(connect,hn,0)       19
    set mySpectra(connect,ca,1)       20
    set mySpectra(connect,cb,1)       21
    set mySpectra(connect,n,1)        22
    set mySpectra(connect,hn,1)       23
# Indicate atomnames associated with PKID peaks 
    set mySpectra(connect,PKID,atom)  "ca cb"
# Distinguish between those columns in the connection file whose
# peak ids refer to residue i-1 and those that refer to residue i.
    set mySpectra(connect,RES,0)      "0 4 5 8 9" 
    set mySpectra(connect,RES,1)      "1 6 7" 
# Then for the peak Ids defined above, indicate the associated peakpick
# file. Use the index numbers that are defined with our peaklist files. 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,0)   0
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,1)   0 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,4)   1 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,5)   1 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,6)   1 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,7)   1 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,8)   2 
    set mySpectra(connect,XPK_INDEX,9)   2 
# This section provides information which enables the
# user to create a connection.
    set mySpectra(connect,ATOMS,TITLE) "ca:  cb:  "
	set mySpectra(connect,ATOMS,0)     "hn ca n"
    set mySpectra(connect,ATOMS,1)     "hn cb n"
# This next table helps snb make the proper assignment label for the
# update of peakpick files.
# Each atom field is of the form "name:number" where "name" is the
# atom name to write out and "number" is an offset from the current
# residue ID that this peak is being assigned to. The only time the
# offset number is not zero is when you have a spectra that mixes
# shifts from residue i and residue i-1 (eg, cbcaconnh).
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,0)       "hn:0 n:0" 
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,1)       "hn:0 n:0" 
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,4)       "hn:0 ca:0 n:0" 
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,5)       "hn:0 cb:0 n:0"
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,6)       "hn:0 ca:0 n:0" 
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,7)       "hn:0 cb:0 n:0" 
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,8)       "hn:1 ca:0 n:1" 
    set mySpectra(connect,ANAME,9)       "hn:1 cb:0 n:1" 

# The following section deals with how the spectra is drawn 
# on the screen for displaying connectivities. 

# Enter the names to give for each spectral window.
    set mySpectra(winList)            "hsqc strips"
# Define the number of spectra in each spectral window.  If you
# adding/subtracting spectral strips, then this variable needs updating.
    set mySpectra(hsqc,spectraNum)    1
    set mySpectra(strips,spectraNum)  3
# Correlate the above filename information with each of our spectral windows. 
# Enter the index of mySpectra(xpk,defName) that is correct. 
    set mySpectra(hsqc,nv,0)          0 
    set mySpectra(strips,nv,0)        1
    set mySpectra(strips,nv,1)        2
    set mySpectra(strips,nv,2)        1
    set mySpectra(hsqc,xpk,0)         0 
    set mySpectra(strips,xpk,0)       1 
    set mySpectra(strips,xpk,1)       2 
    set mySpectra(strips,xpk,2)       1 

# Strips referring to residue i-1 are 0
# Strips referring to residue i   are 1
# Strips referring to residue i+1 are 2
    set mySpectra(strips,0,iRes)    0
    set mySpectra(strips,1,iRes)    1
    set mySpectra(strips,2,iRes)    1
# Setup those spectra where we want the x-axis to be centered 
# on a specified value. 
    set mySpectra(strips,0,x,val)      $mySpectra(connect,hn,0)  
    set mySpectra(strips,1,x,val)      $mySpectra(connect,hn,1)  
    set mySpectra(strips,2,x,val)      $mySpectra(connect,hn,1)  
    set mySpectra(strips,0,x,width)    0.4  
    set mySpectra(strips,1,x,width)    0.4  
    set mySpectra(strips,2,x,width)    0.4  
# For your 3D spectral data, tell me what slice to be on.
# My preference is to have the i-1 residue in the first strip. 
    set mySpectra(strips,0,z,val)      $mySpectra(connect,n,0)  
    set mySpectra(strips,1,z,val)      $mySpectra(connect,n,1)  
    set mySpectra(strips,2,z,val)      $mySpectra(connect,n,1)  
    set mySpectra(strips,0,z,width)    0
    set mySpectra(strips,1,z,width)    0
    set mySpectra(strips,2,z,width)    0

# Define the two sets of crosshairs
# The parameters to specify are:
#     spectral window, strip, cursor set, nmrview cursor number, and axis.

# First set
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,0,1,x)         $mySpectra(connect,hn,0)
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,0,1,y)         $mySpectra(connect,n,0)
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,0,2,x)         $mySpectra(connect,hn,1)
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,0,2,y)         $mySpectra(connect,n,1)
    set mySpectra(strips,0,0,1,x)       $mySpectra(connect,hn,0)
    set mySpectra(strips,0,0,1,y)       $mySpectra(connect,cb,0)
    set mySpectra(strips,2,0,2,x)       $mySpectra(connect,hn,1)
    set mySpectra(strips,2,0,2,y)       $mySpectra(connect,ca,0)

# Second set
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,1,1,x)         $mySpectra(connect,hn,0)
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,1,1,y)         $mySpectra(connect,n,0)
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,1,2,x)         $mySpectra(connect,hn,1)
    set mySpectra(hsqc,0,1,2,y)         $mySpectra(connect,n,1)
    set mySpectra(strips,0,1,1,x)       $mySpectra(connect,hn,0)
    set mySpectra(strips,0,1,1,y)       $mySpectra(connect,cb,1)
    set mySpectra(strips,2,1,2,x)       $mySpectra(connect,hn,1)
    set mySpectra(strips,2,1,2,y)       $mySpectra(connect,ca,1)