# Script for using orb in standalone format for macintosh aqua 
# Robert Boyko
# Mar 2004 - completely revised
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish "$0" "$@"

package require Tk
namespace eval alpha {}
tk appname Alphatk

# MacTk seems to have a bug if we exit using exit.
# see http://www.tcl.tk/software/mac/features.html
tk appname orb
rename exit __exit
proc exit {} {
    destroy .
    # force the exit as well.


set VERSION		"v2.0"
set NAME		"orb-$VERSION"
set AQUA 		"$NAME.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts"

# look for installation directory if not set 
if [ catch {set PROG_HOME [exec printenv ORB_HOME]} err] {
	set path "/Applications/$AQUA"
	if ![ catch {set MY_HOME [exec printenv HOME]} err] {
		set path "$MY_HOME/$AQUA $path"
		set path "$MY_HOME/Applications/$AQUA $path"
		set path "$MY_HOME/Desktop/$AQUA $path"

	# look for the software
	set PROG_HOME 0
	foreach loc $path {
		if [file isdirectory $loc] {
			set PROG_HOME $loc

	# didn't find it
	if { $PROG_HOME == 0 } {
		error "Cannot find $NAME. Please place in Applications or on the desktop."

# add main tcl modules
source $PROG_HOME/tcl/orb.tcl
source $PROG_HOME/tcl/xalign.tcl

# decide where working directory is
if [ catch {set WORKSPACE [exec printenv HOME]} err] {
	set (WORKSPACE) "/tmp"

# disable default tcl window when wish is invoked 
wm title . "orb"
wm withdraw .

# start up my window instead, write files to the current workspace
destroy .