Smartnotebook Custom Installation

Here is an example of installing snb along with other tcl scripts as indicated by one of our users:
Here is my nmrview5 executable:
setenv NMRVIEW5HOME /home/oli/packages/nmrview5
setenv SMARTNOTEBOOK /home/oli/packages/snb-v5.1.3/
setenv TCL_LIBRARY  ${NMRVIEW5HOME}/tcl8.4
setenv TK_LIBRARY  ${NMRVIEW5HOME}/tk8.4
/home/oli/packages/nmrview5/nmrview5-linux -- -s

And I put in /home/oli/bin/startfiles/startfile:
option add *Font {Helvetica -12}
source /home/oli/packages/snb-v5.1.3/tcl/snb.tcl
source /home/oli/bin/startfiles/dkf_font.tcl
source /home/oli/bin/startfiles/FontSelection.tcl
source /home/oli/bin/startfiles/FontFix.tcl

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