Stc Software Setup


Select the version of stc corresponding to your operating system.

Unix (X11) (12.0 MB) (includes sun, sgi, linux, and mac darwin)
Apple(Aqua) (1.5 MB)

Installation and Startup

For the Apple(aqua) version, drag the folder into /Applications and double click on stc-v5.3.1 to start it.

For the X11 versions, you need to enter these commands:

  1. Untar the software if your browser has not already done so.
    > tar xvf stc-v5.3.1-build.tar
  2. Run the installation script (decide where to put the software eg, /usr/local).
    > cd stc-v5.3.1-build
    > ./Install
  3. Update your home .cshrc file (or equivalent startup file).
    > alias stc "wish /usr/local/stc-v5.3.1/bin/stc"
  4. Start a new window and type "stc". If it works, remember to remove the stc-v5.3.1-build and stc-v5.3.1-build.tar files.

Additional Notes and Troubleshooting

  1. The STC window did not appear when i tried to start it.

    Perhaps your environment is not set up to find the tcl interpretter called 'wish'. Do you get the message "Command not found" when you type 'wish'? Mac users can install tcl/tk from, sgi users could go to

  2. You can also move stc to wherever you want (eg, /opt) but you then have to set the STC_HOME environment variable.
    > setenv STC_HOME /opt/stc-v5.3.1
    > alias stc "wish /opt/stc-v5.3.1/bin/stc"
  3. You should be able to run stc remotely but make sure you pass the "-X" flag to ssh which allows X11 forwarding.

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