Release Notes for stc version 5.3.0 to 5.3.1

  1. Small change in fix_pdb so that TER statements in pdb files are parsed more reliably.

Release Notes for stc version 5.0 to 5.3.0

  1. Implementation of the batch button to process multiple pdb files. Provide example usage in lib/examples.

  2. The main screen shows the current residue library in use. This makes it easier for the user to find where the residues/atoms are defined and whether the user agrees with the parameters set. Users can set a custom residue library in the entry box provided or set it in the ./stc.defaults file.

  3. stc tcl/tk source code made available. Perhaps there are others who wish to expand stc.

  4. For calc asa, stc notifies the user about missing atoms . In older versions, stc would only make a note in the log file and move on.

  5. Fixed bug involving the customization of the residue library . In previous versions, adding a blank line to the residue library caused edpdb to dump.

  6. Fixed bug involving pdb files where the keyword TER has arguments following it. I didn't realize that this was valid. Stc ignores any arguments on the same line which starts with TER.

  7. Software copies stc.defaults to the users current directory. This should make it easier for users to understand what options they can customize.

  8. Fix C1 Glu atom in example, should be CD.

  9. Simplify the installation script. Also remove the sbin directory, it is easier to have one bin directory instead of bin (executables) and sbin (scripts).

  10. Update documentation and place STC example runs in lib directory. More extensive example data are included.

  11. Allow user to set the output directory on the main screen. This is useful for the mac aqua version where /tmp is the default setting.

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