Smartnotebook Installation

  1. Download the software from here.
  2. Untar smartnotebook if your browser has not already done so.
    	> tar xvf snb-v5.1.3-build.tar

  3. Next, you will need to run the simple installation script from within a terminal window, even macOSX-aqua users
    	> cd snb-v5.1.3-build
    	> ./Install

    The installation script needs to know the answers to two questions:

    1. where is the location of nmrview (eg, /usr/local/nmrview5, /Applications/ ).
    2. where do you want to put smartnotebook (eg, /usr/local/snb-v5.1.3, /Applications/snb-v5.1.3, /home/rbo/snb-v5.1.3).

    Please do not select to interface with NMRviewJ at this time, future versions of snb will likely support NMRviewJ. Upon successful installation, you will see the directory snb-v5.1.3 (or whatever directory name you chose). Within this directory you should find a startup script "sbin/snbview", here is an example .

  4. You will probably want to make an alias for the startup script so that you do not have to type the entire pathname all the time. You may choose to type a line similar to the one below and/or place it in your terminal startup file (eg, $HOME/.cshrc, $HOME/.bashrc).
        alias snbview /home/rbo/snb-v5.1.3/sbin/snbview

    If you are going to try a custom installation, then see the following example. Proceed to the next section where we are going to test the software.

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